A Dictionary of the Psalter
by Dom Matthew Britt, O.S.B.
A few words from the author, extracted from the preface:
"The purpose of this volume is to give the meaning, or the various meanings, of the 2700 words that make up the vocabulary of the psalms, hymns, canticles, and miscellaneous prayers of the Breviary Psalter. The psalms naturally furnish the bulk of the words. The scope of the Dictionary which the editor has constantly had in mind is limited and definite. Like Dr. Harden's Dictionary of the New Testament (Macmillan, 1921) it concerns itself primarily with the Vulgate text, which is the official text of the Church and the one used in the liturgy. Translations of the Hebrew text are given when they throw light on the obscure terms in the Vulgate or on versions made from it. The work is not intended for the specialist, but it is designed as a practical aid for those who recite the Divine Office, or rather for those who are preparing to do so. It may also be helpful to the student of ecclesiastical Latin as well as the ever increasing number of Sisters who chant the Office in choir."
5 1/2" X 8 1/2" softcover or hardcover
299 pages