Current, Upcoming, and Proposed Projects
What's next at Church Latin Publishing? Here is a breakdown of what projects we're working on now, what we will be working on next, and what we would like to reprint in the coming years.
"The Vulgate Project" is ongoing. Details here. I am focusing my efforts on the preparation of the scans of the red and black text edition of the Desclee Latin Vulgate Bible, originally published in 1881.
"Catechismus Romanum"- the Roman Catechism or the Catechism of the Council of Trent in the original Latin.
"Codex Iuris Canonici"- A reprint of the 1917 Code of Canon law in Latin.
"A Latin-English Dictionary" by William Smith
"Breviarium Romanum"- Two editions I would like to reprint. The first is the Roman Breviary in English, originally published in 1964 by Benziger Brothers. The next is an edition of the Roman Breviary in Latin, originally published from @1912 to @1944.
"Missale Romanum"- I would like to reprint a compact edition of the Roman Missal of 1962 that I just discovered. It is the size of hand missal but the content is identical to an altar missal. The text is all Latin- it is not bi-lingual. The original copy I obtained was published by Benziger Brothers in 1963.
"Biblia Sacra"- A fresh new edition of the Clementine Vulgate, the Old and New Testaments, complete in one volume- but in a handy "carry along" size. The edition will be edited to contain both old and new elements. The text will be freshly formatted in a traditional two-column format but with the addition of sacred images from an older edition of the Bible. I am working on some of the preliminary details of this project. More to come!